Beginner - The Self Kick
Another drill for enhancing kicking technique and ensuring a player’s foot connects with the correct area (sweet spot) on the Sherrin Precision is the Self Kick. Do note that this drill also helps with carrying the ball in the channel. A player should practice walking with the ball in the channel and kicking the Sherrin to themselves (ensuring the ball travels above head height).
With the Self Kick, the objective is to make the Sherrin spin violently whilst keeping the yellow spin line up straight. The ball should travel straight, not inside or outside. As a player walks they need to try to reduce or prevent the arms from wobbling. The spin line will provide valuable feedback as to the success of the kick each time.
💡Note: The player should try 10 - 20 in a row as they walk and count the successful ones. The more practice, the greater the percentage of successful kicks. Players can then do this at a faster speed.
More Beginner Training Sessions...
Beginner - The Basics of Kicking
The basics of kicking form the foundation for all kicking techniques. Always refer back to these basic points if having issues or problems with your kicking technique – these hold the key to success...
Introduction to precision
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Beginner - 3-5 step kick
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Beginner - Hand on Ball Drill
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Beginner - The Self Kick
Another drill for enhancing kicking technique and ensuring a player’s foot connects with the correct area (sweet spot) on the Sherrin Precision is the Self Kick...