Precision Training Portal
Introduction to precision
Recognising that kicking in AFL is one of the most challenging skills to learn, Sherrin has partnered exclusively with AFL Premiership Coach and PE Teacher Mark Williams, to launch Sherrin Precision. The brainchild of Mark Williams, the Precision concept features a larger sweet spot on each end of the Sherrin (red dots) which provides a greater area for the foot to connect with and a visual aid for the player to understand the ideal impact zone on their foot.
Beginner - The Basics of Kicking
The basics of kicking form the foundation for all kicking techniques. Always refer back to these basic points if having issues or problems with your kicking technique – these hold the key to success. Watch the video to learn more.
Beginner - One-step kick
One step kick is the first progression of the kicking phases. It is ideal for those players who have been playing Aussie Rules for under 3 years. Remember that you don’t need to do all the stages at once. You need to work through each step and get them right before you progress to the next one.
It’s natural for a player to get frustrated and take some time to perfect these steps.
Beginner - 3-5 step kick
Once a player has mastered the one-step kick, they are ready to move onto the next kicking phase; the 3-5 step kick. This kicking technique is most suitable for players that have been in the game for under 3 years. Remember to get the basics right first.
The 3-5 step kick is outlined in this video.
Beginner - The Self Kick
Another drill for enhancing kicking technique and ensuring a player’s foot connects with the correct area (sweet spot) on the Sherrin Precision is the Self Kick. Do note that this drill also helps with carrying the ball in the channel. A player should practice walking with the ball in the channel and kicking the Sherrin to themselves (ensuring the ball travels above head height).
Beginner - Hand on Ball Drill
This drill addresses the most common problem with kicking. Even top AFL players still struggle with this, as they never practiced this at an early age. Over the last 15 years as an AFL coach, Mark Williams has spent countless hours re-wiring players with their hand on the ball action.
Advanced - Kicking on run
Once the 3-5 step kick has been mastered by a player, it is time to move onto Advanced kicking - “kicking on the run”. This will take some time to perfect. Adjustments to distance, speed, height all take many weeks of practice and do not come easy. It’s more about trial and error, so stick with it. This will be a challenge but enjoy it.
Advanced - Keeping the ball in the channel
Running towards your target and following through straight is vital to kicking accuracy. This drill featured in the video can be easily done in the backyard or at the park. All you need is a surface with a line or access to a garden hose.
Do note that this drill also helps with carrying the ball in the channel. A player should practice walking with the ball in the channel and kicking the Sherrin to themselves (ensuring the ball travels above head height).
Elite - 90 degree kick
The last progression of the kicking phase; “1 step kicking to a teammate at 90 degrees” is the most difficult. Remember to only attempt this kick when all other kicking progression phases are mastered.
This Elite Kick is very difficult to perform consistently. To showcase the elite kicking, Sherrin bought in a superstar of the game; Dustin Martin.
Elite - Kicking Feedback: Part 1
Ok, now we’re going to do some end-to-end kicking. We’re going to put a bit of variety into it, so here are a few ideas of some of the drills you can do.
It's worth remembering that we always go back to the basic kicking style; so whether it’s a one-step kick, 3-step kick or kicking on the run, it’s making sure that you get the grip right, look for the target, face the target and then kicking and following through.
Elite - Kicking Feedback: Part 2
So for this next drill we are going to fake going one way, like you are going to kick and then come back at the target. Make sure that as you come around you get your arms ready so that when you kick the Precision, it goes dead straight.
Watch the video to learn more.
Kicking drills and solutions
There are a range of drills players can use to help master their kicking technique. Each drill below refers to a specific, common problem that can occur. Before you view these drills, it is important to remember to keep going back to the basics and re-learn the kicking techniques.
Ensure you keep feedback one-to-one between a player and coach where trust has been established. (don’t mix the messaging)
HAND GRIP & MOTION (Hand on Ball Drill)
Common kicking problems and solutions
Below is a table that outlines the common kicking problems that can occur, as well as solutions to correct them.
Giving Feedback
Feedback is an important component of learning how to kick. When providing feedback to a player we suggest the below guidelines are followed. One option you can consider is using an iPhone/iPad (or similar) to film a player’s kicking technique to provide immediate feedback. When a player can see themselves in action, they can believe and understand what they are doing.
The Kick Doctor - Footy Mentoring
Want to receive one-on-one coaching, feedback or mentoring from Mark Williams?
The Kick Doctor is designed for players, coaches, parents and teachers and is an exclusive mentoring opportunity to help your game.
To find out more visit -